Sunday, January 13, 2013


We have the BEST property manager at our condo! I was asked to show a potential buyer our unit due the shortage in floor plans similar to ours (or maybe because our place is so hip); I joyfully accepted. I spent about 45 minutes chatting away about how much we loved our condo and how it has made living in such an isolated area more bearable. The couple viewing our place was quite pleasant; or maybe I am so sheltered from social life I will latch on to anyone who will chat with me! Anyhow, they ended up purchasing a unit and our manager mailed us a referral check for $1000! Awesome.

 What to spend it on… At first, my mind scrambled. Running shoes, compression socks, headphones, hair-do, pedicure, Beco potty trainer for Nola. Then I took a deep breath. Yessss a Vitamix! I’ve been lusting over these babies for some time now, never imagining our union would be so soon. The purchase is quite an investment but how can you put a price on your health? The sale was an easy layup with my husband, Chad; likely due to the fact that he wants to spend his share on something totally unusable and merely cosmetic (building a kickboard under our kitchen bar??). Ideally he would be working on the pile of dirt for a yard we have, but it is his share so do as he may. Regardless, tomorrow is the big day.  We are headed north to Palm Springs to the local Costco to search out our new beloved. I will be sharing recipes and lots of photos in the near future.

On a side note, I am happy to say I completed 4 miles today without stopping for a walk until the 3.5 mile mark. Two miles was the goal but I felt great so I kept going. Our running path is an exact mile loop around a horse stable where the local rodeo is held every winter. Today there was a commotion of horseback riders with their beautiful Pendleton blankets, gleaming trailers, dusty cowboy boots and the nay of over excited horses. This was certainly a factor in my exhilaration (daydreaming of riding bareback). My furthest run up to this point  is a 5k so I am excited to be up to par. My pace was about 1.5 minutes slower than ideal but I am delighted my miles are good this week. Strangely, I am excited to hit the pavement tomorrow.


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